
Shannara, D-Bee Slave

Description: Shanarra is tall and stoutly built, with light blue skin, completely black eyes. She has horns protruding from her forehead that curve gracefully backwards. Her hair is blue - darker than her skin, and gathered into a long ponytail that reaches her thighs. Other than the single ponytail, her head is shaved.

Because of her situation as a slave, her usual clothing is either simple - but very revealing - clothing, or none at all depending on the whims of her owner.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Attributes: IQ: 10, ME: 11, MA: 10, PS: 16, PP: 12, PE: 24, PB: 15, Spd: 25
HP: 30 / SDC: 25
Height & Weight: 7'2", 253 lbs
Age: 21
PPE: 14
ISP: 16
Horror Factor: 10
Disposition: Maternal and protective, especially protective of innocents. She has seen great hardship and doesn't want others to suffer as she has.
Experience: Level 1 Vagabond



